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Research Methods: Qualitative Research

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Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research - "is an approach to research that is primarily concerned with studying the nature, quality, and meaning of human experience. It asks questions about how people make sense of their experiences, how people talk about what has happened to them and others, and how people experience, manage, and negotiate situations they find themselves in" (Willig, 2016).

Types of Qualitative Study

The chart identifies the characteristics of four types of qualitative study. 

  Case Study Ethnography Grounded Theory Phenomenological
Description "Develop an in depth analysis of a single case or multiple cases" "Describe and interpret a cultural and social group." "Developing a theory grounded in data from the field." Understanding the experience of the phenomenon. 
Data Collection Interviews, Documents, Artifacts, Observations Interviews, Artifacts, Observations from field Interviews Interviews
Data Analysis Coding - Identifying trends and themes Coding - Identifying trends and themes Coding - Identifying trends and themes Coding - Identifying trends and themes


Creswell, J. W. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing. 

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